Day 17 - Authenticity vs Reach + A Reminder

Day 17 - Authenticity vs Reach + A Reminder

So yesterday, I was pretty concerned about how I didn't feel like I was making any progress. So today, I decided to work on something I can finish today. I thought it would be a good way for me to feel like I'm moving forward. Satisfy my "perceptions" of progress.

Well, I did just that. I decided to work on Psych because I felt well prepared for my class exam when we had it. I figured doing my old Anki would be more than enough to get me back to that feeling.

Lo and behold, it worked!

Honestly felt so much better after doing it. Felt like I'd moved forward. If you're in a similar predicament, I'd recommend trying this out too.

Today I asked you guys if I should continue with these daily blogs or switch to reels instead. A large majority said reels, but let me explain my rationale. I'm going to say what I think about each and then what I've decided.

Why Blogs

Writing has been my method of decompressing for nearly 4 years now and it's a way for me to narrow down what I'm feeling as I ramble. To be honest, all of these blogs start as a lot more than what you end up seeing. They get summarized, and narrowed down til what remains is what's here.

With Reels, I don't exactly get that freedom. It becomes more of a performance of sharing rather than true introspection. I would also be limited to the time limit of reels (90 seconds) which as you have realized by now is much shorter than many of the blogs I post.

Why Reels

Reels are great because of their reach. One of my goals is to grow the account, and part of that goal means that the stuff I make should be shared. It's obvious that the IG algorithm heavily prioritizes short-form content.

Reels would allow me to work on getting better at speaking to the camera. Something I'm trying to work on. Plus it would put more emphasis on sharing meaningful lessons rather than all my thoughts.

What I've Decided

While Reels are a great way to promote my reach, and a great way to educate, the initial goal wasn't really meant for that. I still want to create reels to do those things, but I don't think a daily reel will accomplish that.

Sometimes handling even this blog is taxing with the dedicated grind. If I'm being honest, I don't think I'd be able to uphold the quality I want to maintain by trying to turn around a reel every day.

So I've decided to just stick to the blog as my daily record of what's happening, and use Reels as a way for me to educate on the highlights of what I learned. If there's ever a desire to read more about what I say on reels, the information will forever be held here.

The Remaining Day

I skipped out on a lot of my routines today. Went straight to Capital One Cafe in Downtown Detroit to start studying in the morning. Ate at Frita Batidos instead of my usual quick sandwich for lunch.

It was a great break, but I kinda missed being able to depend on my routine. I was a lot more tired after eating a greasy burger for lunch, and it showed in the initial moments of trying to get back to studying. It was difficult pushing through it, but it's just something to note.

A reminder for future self: Don't eat a greasy burger on exam day.

Final Thoughts

I hope you guys are doing well in your studying. I hope that you're making room for your relationships. I hope you're taking care of your physical self as well as your mental self. I hope you're getting good rest. Above all else, I hope that you realize how incredible you are for dedicating yourself to this.

Not many people would make the sacrifices you've made for the betterment of others. Deciding to do so already makes you one of the most amazing people I know. If you ever need to chat, I'm only a click away.

As always, good luck. ✌️